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Weekend/Evening Martial Art Program


  • 3 Months Tuition

  • Signed Copy of J's Bad Day

  • Uniform

Weekend/Evening Martial Art Program

MAMBEC offers 12-week programs registering 3 times a year (September, January, and April). Program includes:


1)      10 weeks of Instruction

2)      Week 11 - Parent’s Day

3)      Week 12 - Belt Advancement


(Please note: if your child is not re-registering or belt advancing, their last class will be week 11, Parent’s Day).


Weekend/Evening Martial Art Specialty Program is replaced by 9/10 weeks of Summer Camp beginning first part of July, includes the Core Martial Art/Life Skills Program


Weekend/Evening Martial Art Specialty Program restarts in September.

MAMBEC Specialty Program

MAMBEC Martial Art/Life Skill Specialty Program
(With an Emphasis on Anti -Bullying)

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Leadership/Life Skills

An essential part of every MAMBEC Student’s Education centers around Life Skills and Leadership in conjunction with Martial Arts. We teach Respect, Kindness, Safety Awareness, Emotional Intelligence, Public Speaking, Anti-Bullying Techniques and more. It is expected that MAMBEC students will behave appropriately. Our advanced students help guide our new students, and display leadership in their behavior.


Our children’s Martial Art programming is Karate based with influences from other disciplines, and a strong emphasis on overall fitness. During the MAMBEC Program students do not spar, do weapons training, or participate in tournaments we are a Contemporary Martial Art. Our students strike pads held by leaders or instructors, as well as freestanding or hanging pads. There is minimal contact for practice drills involving blocks and grab escapes.


Life Skills

Mental Martial Art (Life Skills) are important because violence should be the last resort. We want our students to know how to avoid and manage conflict without resorting to violence. We balance the Physical Martial Art (Technical Skills) and Mental Martial Art (Life Skills) because we recognize bullying among young people is increasing in our society and both skills are necessary to help stop this trend.


Children who learn about conflict are better prepared to deal with potentially dangerous situations. They are more confident, therefore able to use words and other skills rather than violence.


We can reverse this terrible trend of violence if we take it seriously and get help from qualified professionals like MAMBEC. We use Holistic Education for children to understand conflict and create healthy relationships founded on Self-Respect, Respect for Others and Knowledge.


What causes conflict and how can MAMBEC help?

Bullying and violence are rampant in the world today. Indeed, they are among the most critical issues facing our children. Unfortunately, young people are victimized more than any other age group.


Conflict happens anytime people disagree. It becomes a problem when the people involved are unable to control their anger and emotions. Conflict can be resolved peacefully and usually is. However, people often have difficulty recognizing why there is conflict and how their emotions and behavior may be part of the problem. MAMBEC students practice Mental Martial Art by role playing difficult situations to learn the skills to safely handle conflict.


For the Technical Skills, MAMBEC is compatible with any martial art, however we are karate-based. During the second component of our program, we teach stances, kicking, punching, kata, and Fundamentals of Body Mechanics. As students get to higher belt levels, self-defense maneuvers and more complex kicking, punching and kata are taught. At the end of each class (fourth component), there is a skills drill (game) that reinforces techniques taught during class.

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Black Belt Testing - Black Belt Tree

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To achieve a MAMBEC Black Belt – First students are informed they are ready, and must submit their most recent school report card, then complete 7 required components and the final MAMBEC Black Belt Test.


The components are as follows:

  1. Testing Student Must Teach a Class

  2. Physical Fitness/Core Work

  3. Life Skills/Written Essay

  4. Fundamental Movements

  5. Kata/Safe Option System

  6. Hand and Foot Techniques

  7. Attitude/Attendance


Once Black Belt Components and test are complete, students are awarded an Embroidered MAMBEC Black Belt, a Certificate, and a Letter of Recommendation.


The MAMBEC Black Belt Tree is dedicated to all students who achieve their black belts in the MAMBEC system. A leaf is designated with the student’s name and date their black belt was awarded to them. To date, MAMBEC has awarded over 80 students with their black belts.

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Copyright MAMBEC (Martial Art Mind Body Education Centre) Inc. 2003
MAMBEC is a member of Karate Nova Scotia in affiliation with Sport Nova Scotia

(902) 488-6779

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