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Parent Testimonial - Brenda Moore

We enrolled our son in the Mambec Summer program after his first year in school ( 3 years ago). Bruce, our son, is and has always been very well behaved and well mannered, but he had problem with self confidence, low self esteem. Thinking because of his size, he could become a bully but soon realized he was the target of bullying. We felt nervous taking him from his friends at the local daycare and placing in an environment where he did not know anyone.

Bruce matured tremendously that first summer. In 8 weeks, he had made new friends, received lots of exercise (swimming, martial arts, out-door games), learned how to handle name-calling and other forms bullying. He entered Grade One more confident, more relaxed with himself and able to handle stressful situations.


Over to past three years, Bruce has been developed a keen sense of right and wrong. He consoles other children who are bullied and knows when to walk away from any offensive situation. He as received Student of the Month Award in November and has been reported by his teachers to be one of the most kind, respectful and obedient children in his class. Bruce is participating in a new Radio Program as with his school focusing on Bullying.


I feel that today, as parents, we must look for programs which will give our children exercise of not only the body but of the mind. This is a program which will help develop your child’s well being and help guide them through the day to day pressures of growing up.


One day driving home, Bruce related to me that a very good friend had announced in front of his classmates that Bruce looked fatter after the Christmas break and had everyone laughing. I know how much it hurt and I was very upset. When I said that I would deal with it, my son in all of his nine years of age, said, “No, Mom, he is one of my best friends. He doesn’t understand that he hurt my feelings and bottom-line is – It’s only Words. Like Lavonne taught me, Words cannot hurt me!”


Thank you, Lavonne. Your program has been one the best experiences for Bruce so far. He will continue in the fall program and you may seen him this summer. I am trying to give him some choices with his activities. He wants to keep some contact with his friends from school and day care. I still think he will become bored this summer, time will tell.

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Copyright MAMBEC (Martial Art Mind Body Education Centre) Inc. 2003
MAMBEC is a member of Karate Nova Scotia in affiliation with Sport Nova Scotia

(902) 488-6779

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