MAMBEC Policies
All policies are applicable for the following programs:
MAMBEC Before/After School Specialty Program
MAMBEC Weekend/Evening Specialty Program (Martial Art/Life Skills Program)
Specialty Camps (Summer, March Break, In-Service)
Specialty Birthday Parties
Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures
MAMBEC takes your children’s safety seriously and we are continually working to improve. All our instructors receive yearly training about sensitivity, discrimination, and harassment. All our employees are required to have a vulnerable sector and background check that is updated regularly.
Cole Harbour Place has many security cameras throughout the building.
Our instructors and staff are not allowed to have casual contact with any of our students without written permission from their parents. This means our instructors are not allowed to contact the children directly in any way. If a child does contact an instructor (such as by sending a text), the instructor is required to report it to CEO, Lavonne Carroll or Head Instructor immediately and we will contact the child’s parents. If you ever suspect an instructor has had contact with your child, contact us immediately.
All children must be picked up by a parent or other recognized caregiver. This means we cannot allow a child to leave by a cab or walk home unless we have received written consent from the child’s parents or legal guardians. We cannot even allow them to be unsupervised in public areas of Cole Harbour Place.
We reserve the right to deny entry or remove any member who is disruptive, violent, a nuisance, or endangering themselves or other students.
Terms and Conditions
The member agrees while using the facility or any of the services provided by the facility, he/she will not conduct himself/herself in any way, which presents a danger to, or create a nuisance for the instructor or any other persons using the facility.
The member must have a valid membership to participate in class or other activities.
The member agreement can be cancelled at any time by the facility if the member is deemed to be.
Posing a danger to the facility, its employees, or members; (2) a nuisance to the operation of the facility.
No member shall be permitted into classes or other activities if his/her account is considered delinquent.
The facility shall have the right to demand full payment of any outstanding balance. The member shall make all requested payments before regaining access to the facility.
LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: MAMBEC’s™ and any of its instructors’, employees’ and agents’, and any person’s using the facility, liability for personal injury, disease, deterioration of health, illness or aggravation of ill health, or lost, stolen or damaged property, for any claim whether in contract, warrant, negligence, tort, strict liability or otherwise loss arising out of, connected with, or resulting from this contract or the performance or breach thereof, or from any services rendered in connection therewith, shall in no case exceed the fees payable pursuant to this contract, and any remedy arising therefrom shall not exceed refunding of such fees.
The member acknowledges the facility is not liable for any theft or damages of his/her personal items, which may occur at the facility.
The member warrants that he/she is in good condition or has obtained the express approval of a physician to engage in physical activities such as offered by the facility. The instructors retain the right to deny access to any member who has open cuts, infections, illnesses, or communicable diseases.
The member is not entitled to assign this agreement of his/her membership to any other person.
The term "member" includes his/her parent(s) or guardian.
We have a no refund policy.
$35.00 charge for all N.S.F. cheques. There is also a $25 Late fee for Before/After-School payments received after the 20th of each month.
By signing this form, I hereby give MAMBEC™ and its legal representatives and assigns, the right and permission to publish, for use in advertising and promotion, photographs taken. These photographs may be used in publications, including electronic publications, or in audiovisual presentations, promotional literature, advertising, or in other similar ways. All information is held in confidence and is never released or sold.
All MAMBEC™ Students are registered members of Karate Nova Scotia in association with Sport NS.
All MAMBEC Students and instructors agree to wear a uniform (gui) with the MAMBEC Logo. Any students entering the MAMBEC studio without a proper uniform and logo may be asked to leave until a proper uniform/logo is acquired. MAMBEC sells uniforms with the MAMBEC Logo.
By signing reading this form, you agree to you child being photographed.
I hereby wish to become a member of MAMBEC™. I agree to abide by its rules, terms, and conditions, and I will uphold the spirit and traditions of MAMBEC™.
Student and Staff Responsibilities
The observance and demonstration of proper etiquette is an important part of karate training for both students and instructors.
Intimidation of any kind by students or instructors will not be tolerated, and the perpetrators will be dismissed immediately from the program. MAMBEC always maintains a harassment-free and abuse-free environment.
Accepting responsibilities helps create the best learning environment possible.
Be aware of your surroundings to ensure your personal safety and the safety of others.
If you have a question, raise your hand and wait for an instructor to acknowledge you.
Control your temper. Be gracious and forgiving towards each other.
Use your skills wisely and responsibly.
Strive to be on time for class, just as the instructors strive to end class on time.
Avoid the use of abusive or offensive language.
Maintain personal cleanliness at all times and keep your nails trimmed.
Do not chew gum or eat during training.
Jewelry, watches, metallic objects, etc. are NOT to be worn during training.
Long hair must be tied back or up.
Only approved uniforms with authorized markings may be worn during class.
MAMBEC has a No Scent policy.
Help to maintain a clean class by placing garbage in the garbage can.
Entering the Class
Remove all footwear and outerwear before stepping on the floor.
Bow toward the front of the class as you enter the class.
Use the bathroom before class and ensure your personal hygiene is maintained to a high standard.
Change into your uniform before class begins
If you arrive early, wait quietly to one side (if another class is in progress) or prepare for your upcoming class by quietly warming up on your own
If you are late for class, bow as you enter, then wait quietly by the entrance for the instructor to invite you to join the class, after being invited move quickly and quietly to your spot.
Covid Policies
To Be Determined with the advice of Public Health and will be posted on the Home page of the website ASAP.